Akva park Hollywoodland в Beograd

СербияAkva park Hollywoodland



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19b, Surčinska, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 63 310310
Веб-сайт: www.hollywoodland.rs
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8015886, Longitude: 20.3424257

Комментарии 5

  • Topher Wilson

    Topher Wilson


    The water park here is mostly a collection of swimming pools; one is a lap style pool, on has a swim up bar, another is for toddlers, one is outdoors, and finally one is in a cave. The also have a work out room, a pair of water slides, and a spa. All in all a pretty fun place to spend a few hours with the kids. The stand out feature here is the cafe. Decent enough cafe food, but they have a wood fired brick pizza oven. Never seen anything like that in a pool side cafe. Loved it.

  • Sladana Maksimovic

    Sladana Maksimovic


    Wonderful place for everyone to enjoy awesome services. Swimming pools are clean and very well maintain. Sauna and steam room still brand new and big enough to have your privacy. Massage therapist very friendly and professional very talented. Lifeguards are right there to assist you and help you look after your kids and anyone else to feel safe and secure. Definitely will go back again and gladly suggest anyone to visit and have fun time with friends and family. Thank you

  • Darko Djukic

    Darko Djukic


    This place is great during winter. It is warm inside and temperature of the water is ok. Beside pools, there you can find sauna, gym, jakuzzi... Daily ticket is cheep but food prices are slightly higher.

  • Alexey Тikhonov

    Alexey Тikhonov


    Excellent place! Very modern with everything you need to escape from a busy day. I am loyal customer of Hollywood land and hope some suggestions below can make it even better: 1/ checking bags on entrance is terrible approach. Please trust more to people coming. The same related for asking documents to secure towels. 2/ in the large swimming pool it would be great to separate few lines for those who are willing to do sport and not willing to be constantly disturbed by others splashing. 3/ floor is extremely slippery and might be the reason for accidents. I would think to cover it with some material that would reduce the risk. 4/ hygienic behavior in the sauna. It would be great to ask people to use a towels and not to sit in the swimming suites sweating on the wooden benches. 5/ hamam. Usually this is place to relax and enjoy. Loud speaking disturbing others. Maybe it make sense to put some signs of expected behaviors. 5/ restorant- it would be great to improve quality and variety as it is very average and this is a reason why I am rarely going there.

  • Fashion Concerto

    Fashion Concerto


    Had a great time with my kids here for 3 days. The pool is a bit chilly and the hot tub is certainly not hot but there are lots of little areas to swim and the kids loved the waterslide open even in winter. Pools are open 10am-3am even in fall. Breakfast is a little disappointing but kids found enough to fill themselves. Staff here is REALLY AMAZING, so incredibly helpful I can't say enough about them. Pool food area is fast and filling but mostly reheated (except for pizza in evening in the oven). Great find!

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