Bookastore в Beograd




🕗 время открытия

12, Cara Lazara, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 3285422
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8180076, Longitude: 20.4544884

Комментарии 5

  • Borka Majkic

    Borka Majkic


    Great place to work and be surrounded by books, great music, nice hosts. Smoking is not allowed which is one more advantage.

  • Milica Đustebek

    Milica Đustebek


    Lovely non-smoking place in the city centre. With great hot chocolate and tea selection.

  • 幸芮



    A memorable experience: I must be so cute🤪 So will meet such a friendly and beautiful people 😘 I really enjoyed chatting with them very much Is free to enter the shop Drink a lot of local coffee The taste of this family is the one that makes me feel the most Ah spent 400 dinars (¥26) I drank two cups of coffee that were better than domestic ones Angel girl gave me another cup I must pay the cup money The girl even said nonono it's free ~ Wow! Really moved to cry A movie hug a bit Give them some praise I tell them I will come back again Life journey Everyone is busy understanding a variety of people I thought this is enriching my resume But I think often the most valuable encounter It was a moment when I met myself Suddenly understand: Even traveled the world It is just to find a way to reunion

  • Paul Liam R. Du Bois

    Paul Liam R. Du Bois


    I’ve traveled the world and never had such a shocking experience in a coffee or bookstore. Don’t recommend unless you want to be disrespected or feel like “give me your money and go please.” I’ve never given one star and you’ll see why. At first glance it’s a nice place until you get to know some of the people working there. They BLAST THE MUSIC there and if you kindly ask them to lower because you are either working or reading (a.k.a. — Bookstore, hint hint...) two of the girls decide to push the music up and snapped back rudely. Many people around me complained. I wish I could upload the videos that I’ve made here — I will find a place to do so. Furthermore after walking in today the new rule is EVERYONE MUST CONTINUALLY ORDER DRINKS OR LEAVE THE PREMISES — UNHEARD OFF EVEN FOR A CITY LIKE NEW YORK. I hope the owner who seems like a nice guy can read this and do something about not only the atmosphere but as well this new rule that will cause problems and make him loose customers. It is truly a shame that half the staff acts professionally and the other disrespect customers. It is also a shame that they don’t care even if you spend hundreds of dollars a month there — I’m not the only one who has mentioned this therefore I felt compelled to make this comment.

  • Marv In

    Marv In


    I’ve never seen a bookstore like this!! The Bookstore blasts music like crazy!! I’ve asked the staff to please turn it down and they ignore the request and blast the music louder!! Even after I pay for coffee and food!! I’ve thought a bookstore was for people to enjoy the experience of being in that environment!! This is unacceptable!!

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