City Expert в Beograd

СербияCity Expert



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Mitropolita Petra, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 4426000
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8164688, Longitude: 20.4837271

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Theo Reynolds


    I see some bad reviews here, but consider that they are mostly jealous competitors. They are free for buyers or people who want to rent, and their competitors take money both from owners and buyers, and that is their problem.

  • en



    If I'd had experience which I've got, I wouldn't have contacted them. Time weren't respected as theirs. The solicitor and licensed agent weren't existed at all. I didn't meet persons who they had presented to me. Quite a bit of guarantee does exist with them such as rhetorical statistic and it too expensive. So, not recommend!

  • en



    Strongly not recommended at all! A Lot of place quite not exist and call center is useless. So, they're going to charge you for your time which you lost and data which you let them. After all pretty bad-tempered behavior from one of employee. Well, consider this like warning.

  • Marko



    Not recommended! I've had couple tries and my friends also have been using for long time. They aren't going to help you really either you're searching for a place or looking for a rent. All of what's them worked on is getting yours personal information and other data which you mustn't share it all if you won't, especially if they aren't helping you. After that, they're looking forward to charge you for that same job. Please note, they've got a lot of person who isn't agent! So, used carefully - they've rubbish behavior at trade and pretend guaranty at all. The call center maybe has kind employees, but they're working such as machine with long tapes on. Communication was wasting time, they've never used email except spamming. The phone call's been used to call you back either at same time when you aren't able to answer or you couldn't get on. The afternoon then weren't take my call back over. I don't think it's good way for communication at all. They have to change lot of things, other way if you looking for bad agreements or wasting time and money should be good.

  • Chord Agency

    Chord Agency


    'Such a rental agency is found but once in the lifetime of a Serb' - so said the poet Darius Bubamarius in the early 21st century. Such unwavering dedication to the job at hand is unheard of in these turbulent times, and I would like to hold my codpiece firmly, cock my leg to one side and to gush forth an orgasm of appreciation for the fine service that City Expert does for the people of Belgrade. Words alone fail to convey just how much I adore them, and I wish them the very best in luck, fortune and wisdom as they continue their journey into the dark and unkind heart of the boisterous Serbian rental market. PS Вучићу, педеру

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