Cuperak i Novi Sad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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115, Bulevar oslobođenja, 21000, Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 21 523376
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Latitude: 45.2471589, Longitude: 19.8401402

kommentar 5

  • Sergei Smagin

    Sergei Smagin


    I brought a photo of me (made in a different city) to make a haircut and ended up with a parody to it. They didn't even wash my head. Won't come again

  • Miroslav Nikolic

    Miroslav Nikolic


    Sometimes crowded, but with a reason - very food hairdressers, a variety of services.

  • Sinisa Nikolic

    Sinisa Nikolic


    A barbershop with a long tradition. One of the best places to get a haircut or trimming of the beard. There are always 3 hairdresser working all the time, so the maximum waiting time is 15 minutes. The people working there are polite and nice to customers. One fact for Novi Sad is that there are only a few places that will give a haircut to infant children. In this place the hairdressers are educated and equipped to work with small children and infants. This is the place where I took my baby boy for a first haircut. Needless to say I was satisfied with the service.

  • Srđan Škrbić

    Srđan Škrbić


    The best barber shop in the city.

  • Lendák Imre

    Lendák Imre


    Rich tradition, no reservations needed

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