Cveće Zla Deli Wine Bar i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienCveće Zla Deli Wine Bar



🕗 åbningstider

12, Nevesinjska, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 60 0162856
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Latitude: 44.799589, Longitude: 20.4737685

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Sajfar

    Ivan Sajfar


    Tatar was perfect, nice service. Wine choice could be better.

  • Matija Vukovic

    Matija Vukovic


    In this quirky bar/restaurant/deli you can drink great wines, eat wonderfu dishes and strange sandwiches, buy bread, cheese and prschutto. It has a showroom kitchen and the waiters are dressed like machine shop workers. The prices are a bit steep, but not too high. The first floor is more of a coffee shop, while there is a full fledged restaurant in the basement. Check this gem out.

  • David Bogičević

    David Bogičević


    Amazing food and nice atmosphere. Good for brunch :)

  • Tijana Simic

    Tijana Simic


    Fresh food. Very tasty. Fantastic sandwiches. Charming interior and jazz. Staff could be a bit more professional.

  • en

    Sava Glodić


    One of the finest small bistros in Belgrade, offering a selection of good dishes, combined with a fine offering of drinks. During warmer days, they have outside seating, comfortably nested under tree cover. Aside for their usual offer, they also sell excellent bred and delicacies. I recommend the food in general, and the deserts. Definitely worth checking out.

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