Џезва i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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19, Cara Uroša, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 64 1105910
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 44.8218242, Longitude: 20.4563893

kommentar 5

  • Nastya Moskvina

    Nastya Moskvina


    Very friendly service and tasty drinks, excellent music, cosy atmosphere, cultural thematic events, multilingual conversation, enjoy the feeling of the wish to come there back.

  • Oceane Henriques

    Oceane Henriques


    Throught thick and thin, it’s a very nice place to go. You can shoot the breez along with take good cup of coffee. You can be sure of have a blast.

  • Philomena O'Brien

    Philomena O'Brien


    Love the ambience of this place! Frenchman (and owner) Jeremy and his partner run this really lovely little neighbourhood bar in Dorcol and both of them are great hosts. We often organise drinks nights here and it's always been a breeze.

  • Jasna Andjelkovic

    Jasna Andjelkovic


    Lovely cozzy place, fusion of styles. Now hosting Couchsurfing meetings!

  • en

    xxxx mmmmm


    Very, very, very nice place. One of my favourite in Belgrade. It's very nice if you want just to step by and take a coffee or to spend night in this bar. Everybody are opet, communicative and you will have the best, relaxed and enjoyed moment. Also it's important to mention that you will feel like you are in one small old Caffè in France, from music to complete atmosphere!

nærmeste Bar

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