freestyler в Beograd




🕗 время открытия

Ušće BB Beograd RS, Beograd 11000, Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 62 8002020
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8199888, Longitude: 20.4440844

Комментарии 5

  • Liam McManus

    Liam McManus


    IF YOU ARE A TOURIST WHO ISN'T A MILLIONAIRE DOUCHEBAG, DO NOT GO. Seriously. I went with a friend, believing it to be an amazing club from the rave reviews I read online. It uses false advertisment to lure people in. The place has no dancefloor, and is crowded beyond reason. Reservation doesn't effect anything; we had reserved a table beforehand, but all we got was a small space on the bar. After quickly running out of cash as the drinks are super expensive (around 6 euros for a watered down shot), we were rudely forced to give up our spot to other customers. There is also no chance of socialising, as it's way to loud and crowded to talk. This would've been fine if people were dancing, but nobody seemed to be enjoying themselves at all. After enduring this cancerous atmosphere for over an hour we promptly left. This place is a joke, and by no means should you visit. Other reviewers have even been threatened with violence and forced to pay upwards of 500 euros for a bottle of vodka... This "club" is obviously mafia run scum. Avoid at all costs.

  • en

    Ko Oo


    !!!WARNING!!! this place is preying on tourists. We were a group of friends and got a deal for a table with bottles for a fixed price. At the end of the night they presented us a bill that was rediculously high and told us that the bottles that were put on our table were not part of the deal because those ones were bigger. Of course they didn't tell us that before. It was obviously an intended fraud. When we protested they threatened us with violence. We payed because of those threats. The police - which were really nice and professional - later told us literally: "Stay away from those people. These are drug dealers and thugs" There really are nicer places in Belgrade to party. No need to go here...

  • en

    Söhne Detjens


    DON'T COME HERE!! I was here with several friend and we booked a table ahead including two bottles. On the bill later these two bottles were listed separately with 400 eur each. "Miscommunication" was all they responded and when we asked for the police to come they threatened us with beating. We only paid in the end because we were seriously afraid they might kill us. Don't ever come here! Ask locals were to go and skip this area.

  • בר פישר

    בר פישר


    Make sure you make a reservation in advance. The club is a bit poshy so dress properly. The music was good but people don't dance much, probably because there isn't much space to dance. Alcohol is pretty expenssive. Beautiful girls though.

  • en

    The Rightful One


    Overpriced, vaiter charged us for 26 tekilas extra. Security came to our table and we had to pay. It was around 150€ extra but we were forced to pay. Definitely would not recomend. Go to Shake’n’Shake. Sorry if my english is bad.

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