Garni Hotel Consul в Niš

СербияGarni Hotel Consul



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Prvomajska, Niš, Nišavski okrug, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 18 291949
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.319534, Longitude: 21.9030519

Комментарии 5

  • Giorgos Karafergias

    Giorgos Karafergias


    Very nice small hotel, in the center of Niš. Clean and quiet, great value for money!

  • Stevan Panov

    Stevan Panov


    Whery good stuff, friendly, clean, cozy, best choice, great value! Heppy to be here!

  • en

    Natasa Jovic


    At the first look, hotel looks nice. But it is an example of an old Serbian saying which describes something looking good from the outside but rotten inside. Overall impression: if it had costed less then 10 euros per night, this place might have been assessed as a value deal. But for 25 euros per night without breakfast this place must be described at least as an overpriced, way below minimum standards accommodation. Hotel is a small, adapted building in a pretty ugly street, about a 800m from the city center and Nišava bank. Oddly, the hotel doesn't have parking place. There is no elevator for the upstairs rooms and the stairs for the first floor are extremely narrow. Floors are completely inaccessible to persons with disabilities. Rooms have so thin walls that I heard guest above me urinating every time he/she did it, not to mention that I have heard every step and word spoken. No house rules - the place is also a bar and nobody stops late nights yelling and noise. The room is smaller then it should be. It has basics, including well equipped minibar and tv. There is a desk a bit higher then appropriate for working. Wifi was working very well. Two plugs for charging, one by the table and another by the bed. The bed is comfortable. However there was dirt behind the room heaters and I felt dust in the bed and from the carpet. The bathroom was almost bigger then the room, also with basics (soap and hairdryer). Enough hot water. But I was offered with outworn towels. Dirt, towels and late night noise are the biggest reasons for this negative review, because they clearly represent not the lack of funds, but rather sloppiness, negligence, lack of interest, non-professionalism and arrogance towards the guests. That's why I would not suggest this hotel.

  • Alexander Dzhuninski

    Alexander Dzhuninski


    Clean and nice hotel, good services/atitude and amazing brakefast on a bkock table.

  • en

    Armin Pavel


    Very cozy, very friendly owner's. We stayed 3 nights and everything was perfect. Thank you and we will definitely come back.😁

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