Green Paradise i Niška Banja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienGreen Paradise



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Hajduk Veljkova, Niška Banja, Nišavski okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 62 1412944
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2951758, Longitude: 22.006857

kommentar 5

  • Milena Pavlovic

    Milena Pavlovic


    Terrible service. Be careful they'll try to charge you more

  • Natasha Tijanic

    Natasha Tijanic


    Nice employees. Everything is clean and in order. Love the Jacuzzi. Atmosphere of a private backyard pool party.

  • Hagop Kevorkian

    Hagop Kevorkian


    A nice pool active during the summer in niska banja. There is free parking outside and free WiFi in the pool. The place offers only one pool. It is popular for young people and rare to see children in. The entrance price is considered high in Nis standards (about 2.5 euros). Overall it’s nice place. Not accessible at all for people with disabilities. Don’t be surprised if the person sitting next to you smokes. The place offers hot drinks soft drinks and alcoholic drinks and some sandwiches.

  • Danko Dašić

    Danko Dašić


    Summer swimming pool nice place for chilling full with youngsters during summer season.

  • Predrag Ducic

    Predrag Ducic


    Calm, nice, private resort with outgoing & nice staff, big pool, bar, good music and excellent ambient.

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