Inex Rent a Car в Novi Sad

СербияInex Rent a Car



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68A, Mičurinova, 21000, Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 21 526666
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 45.2578964, Longitude: 19.82452

Комментарии 5

  • Nick Kaludjerski

    Nick Kaludjerski


    Terrible experience, unreliable service and unsafe car I reserved a car over a phone, came to pick it at the agreed time, just to find that there is another person that also came to pick it (yes, 2 of us sitting in the office waiting for the same car). The second car (rented to me) arrived the following day. No compensation was given. We've noticed that a seat-belt at the middle rear seat was missing. "Who uses that?" was the initial response that we've received. It was followed by "If you're so concerned, don't take it" (no other cars available, and no intention to fix it). Later on, we've noticed that the rear window wiper was missing (which we've overlooked, while thinking what to do with the missing seat belt). He's charged us for it, while trying to convince me that it was there, as "the car was thoroughly checked before delivery to me". He said he was actually doing me a favor for charging me only what he's paid for it... Tires were totally worn out. Some vibrations were felt at speeds above 60km/h, which became stronger after a few days to the extent that I had to stop. There was a bump on a tire, size of tennis ball which started hissing and the tire fully deflated. I've put a spare and drove to the Inex offices. To my shock, instead of taking a car to place new tires on it, Goran went somewhere (he said wash station) and brought a used worn tire (in a shape little bit better that were on the car itself). He gave it to me and asked me to drive to а service shop to replace it (I had to pay for the service itself). The amount of Goran's preaching I had to cope with was unbearable. I was relieved when I returned the car, without anything serious happening to my family. Unfortunately, at that (summer) period, I couldn't locate a single car available in other rent-a-car agencies, in that class, and up to 2 classes above.

  • Vanja Stajic

    Vanja Stajic


    Veoma zadovoljna uslugama i vozilom!

  • Minja Matkovic

    Minja Matkovic


    Uvek sve korektno i po dogovoru. Preporucujem!

  • en

    Vanja Novakovic


    Great customer service as always! I have been a frequent customer for about 3 years now and they never disappoint. I have had some horrible experiences with others in NS and BG but Inex always comes through.

  • bs

    Miroslav Otrupčak


    Manjka im profesionalnosti u velikoj meri. Neljubaznost i nepoštovanje ćete prvo zapaziti. Ostaviće Vas da čekate na minusu iako ste došli u dogovoreno vreme, a za osnovnu opremu u automobilu treba da se pogađate i dobro da se ubeđujete da bi ste je dobili. Razgovor kada dogovarate uslugu iznajmljivanja je najbolje da nekako snimate, jer će Vas najverovatnije probati napraviti ludim i ubeđivaće vas da Vam je rečeno nešto što zapravo nije, i da ste pristali na nešto na šta zapravo niste. Cene su vidno veće nego kod konkurencije.

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