Кафе Клуб Салоон i Niš

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienКафе Клуб Салоон



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Niš, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 18 515848
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 43.323635, Longitude: 21.8949871

kommentar 5

  • Psycho TheJoker

    Psycho TheJoker


    For those who love relaxing rock music, enjoyable environment, pleasent and fast service, it is a perfect spot. Designated area for smokers and non-smokers, waiters are polite and helpful, with outside area and indoor area, nice view all around.

  • Damjan Randjelovic

    Damjan Randjelovic


    The best place for live music.

  • Vladimir Stojiljković

    Vladimir Stojiljković


    ok olace for sitting outside

  • meto odobasic

    meto odobasic


    I was here just one time but the place stay in my mind. Nice location, great staff superb prices and friendly staff made a two hour stay very pleasant. I would like to get back again. That is definitely a best recommendation that i can think about. They have a nice interior but also a nice big terrace.

  • Aleksandra Chugalj

    Aleksandra Chugalj


    With a great company this place creates amazing atmosphere with live metal/rock gigs! Located inside the fortress, it's simply nice :)

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