Kafeterija | Studentski Trg в Beograd

СербияKafeterija | Studentski Trg



🕗 время открытия

Zmaja od Noćaja, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 4084352
Веб-сайт: www.kafeterija.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8205305, Longitude: 20.4576128

Комментарии 5

  • Milica Ivanić

    Milica Ivanić


    Used to be good coffee but now its just okay I guess, seems like they stopped trying

  • Ana Ignjatovic

    Ana Ignjatovic


    Ok, extremely good coffee shop with unbelievable amount of different coffee types. Whatever flavor you're thinking of, they probably got it. Chocolate chip cookie coffee? Yup! This one minus star is simply because i didn't liked the service... The waitress was not so enthusiastic about serving us...

  • Dunja Šešelja

    Dunja Šešelja


    If you are a hardcore espresso geek, this place won't deliver. When Kafeterija first opened a few years ago, I was pleasantly surprised by the offer of specialty coffee in Serbia. Perhaps due to their radical expanse, the quality of served espresso has unfortunately decreased over the years. In contrast to their bar in Novi Sad, where baristas still try to keep the standard, the two Belgrade locations I've tried have been rather mediocre. On the one hand, the regular offer of beans that are currently filled in their grinders have all been with low citric flavors, leaning towards traditional Italian coffee style. On the other hand, if you order one of the other sorts of beans (e.g. Ethiopia, Kenya, etc.), the shots tasted as if made of stale beans or were simply too long (i.e. a double shot would be longer than 30-40 ml, which again conforms to the Italian style, rather than the third-wave one). The flavor I got by making my own espresso with the very same beans at home couldn't be compared with what I got in the cafe. Perhaps their grinder settings were off, or the care that went into adjusting the settings was absent (if Kafeterija's barista's are reading this: please try and fix your grinder so that your Kenya espresso comes with 18g input/30-34 sec brewing time/30-40 ml output - you'll see that the espresso will be something else). That said, the service was kind and friendly.

  • Luka Velickovic

    Luka Velickovic


    Nice places, with friendly ambient. Huge assortment of coffee from all over the world, with some very exotic flavours. However it's a bit expensive.

  • Uros Trnjakov

    Uros Trnjakov


    Do not be put off by the unsightly location. It's actually an advantage, making it nicely secluded, away from the crowd. Excellent quality & service.

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