Maxi i Novi Sad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina, 21000, Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 800 3537030
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.2537464, Longitude: 19.8449537

kommentar 5

  • Bojana Babic

    Bojana Babic


    This is one of the best supermarkets in the town. It is very big and there is something for everyone. The staff is nice, fast and efficient. Here you can buy meat, fresh fruit and vegetables and stuff for home.

  • Angry Queen

    Angry Queen


    A large selection of things and food. Like regular super market. But, two bad things. First, the food which they cook taste all the same, and awful. It seems like they cook, bake and boil everything on the same oil (recycling). I even bought a croissant and it tasted and smell like fried potatoes and chicken, and vege food also. Since then i dont buy that food there, unfortunately, neither my colleagues. The second thing, it is often crowded but only a few cash registers that work. So people are wasting a lot of time waiting.

  • Biljana Lazic

    Biljana Lazic


    Smaller maxi store but good choices. You can buy prepared food as well

  • Dusan Jotic

    Dusan Jotic


    Premium minimarket with the assortment adapted for the city center audience.

  • Miroslav Tadic

    Miroslav Tadic


    Decent prices and great service. They have a section where you can buy freshly cooked meals at a fair price. Also, there is a good variety of Belgian-made products, like chocolate, cookies, ice cream...

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