MND Дental в Beograd

СербияMND Дental



🕗 время открытия

25, Draže Pavlovića, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 62 8950855
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.813575, Longitude: 20.476844

Комментарии 5

  • coco silk

    coco silk


    Beware if you are considering this dentist for dental tourism purposes. They look all professional but the work they did on 11 of my teeth (7 onlays and 4 crowns) had numerous faults when reviewed by a prosthodontist back in Australia. The first onlay to fail cracked loose within less than a week, which is highly unusual and suggests that it wasn't cemented in well. My tooth died within 4 months after other dentists failed to closely inspect the onlay as the work still looked good because it was new. The next onlay to fail was removed when I had pain on biting. The prosthodontist who removed the onlay found decay under it, which also suggests their method on the rest of my teeth may be badly done too. Another onlay had a large gap in it (which is clearly visible in an x-ray) and this caused extreme sensitivity in the tooth so I had to have a crown put over it. For the four crowns they put on my front teeth they used zirconia rather than the recommended porcelain. They also had 2 double crowns made instead of 4 individual ones, which makes it really hard to clean. But the biggest mistake was that they were badly fitted with loose margins and a bad bite which is causing occlusal trauma (too much pressure on the jaw bone at the root of the tooth) and now I have an inflammation in the bone of one of my front teeth... So the crowns have to be removed too. What seemed like a good idea at the time (because of the price) has turned into a very expensive exercise in a desperate bid to save my teeth before I lose any more. They might be nice people and their dental practice (not to mention the lovely garden out the back) is nice to visit, but only use this dentist for a small emergency and then have their work checked by someone else. Don't let them work on your whole mouth at once like I did or you may be sorry too! (Attaching one X-ray showing the gap in the onlay (middle tooth) that almost killed this tooth. They also did the other onlays after removing amalgam fillings. No rubber dam was used during the removal of the amalgam and they even left some amalgam in the teeth, which also shows up as the white spots in the X-ray.)

  • en

    Jelena Stojanovic


  • Andreja Simonovic

    Andreja Simonovic


  • Zoran Krstić

    Zoran Krstić


  • Miroslav Andric

    Miroslav Andric


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