Museum of Yugoslavia в Београд

СербияMuseum of Yugoslavia



🕗 время открытия

6, Михаила Мике Јанковића, 11000, Београд, Град Београд, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 3671485
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.7881671, Longitude: 20.4521836

Комментарии 5

  • Milica C

    Milica C


    Awesome way to spend your day in Belgrade, learn something about history of Yugoslavia and visit a big part of our past - House of flowers, Tito and his wife Jovanka graves. Also, you can find here some really cool souvenirs to bring back home.

  • Darko Bajic

    Darko Bajic


    The Museum of Yugoslavia is a public history museum in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It is located in the Dedinje district. It chronicles the period of Socialist Yugoslavia as well as the life of Josip Broz Tito. Tito's grave is located in one of the Museum buildings (the House of Flowers). The current museum was founded in 1996 by the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as the Museum of the History of Yugoslavia to replace two previous institutions: the "Josip Broz Tito" Memorial Centre and the Museum of the Revolution of Yugoslav Peoples. The museum complex comprises three buildings with a total surface of 5253 m², set in a 3.2-hectare park.

  • Christiana Kashta

    Christiana Kashta


    I was really excited when I went to visit the museum ! I'm a history lover (with a degree in history as well) so it was very exciting for me to be there

  • Rhys Tan

    Rhys Tan


    The museum is actually closed for refurbishment the ticket only gives you access to the house of flowers and another building containing collection of gifts. In my opinion they should reduce the ticket price by half given there is limited content on offer. So check before you get the ticket.

  • Radovan Vasiljevic

    Radovan Vasiljevic


    Definitely a "must see" museum and an astonishing place. Complex has 3 different areas, main building whit the small "six torches" monument, representing six republics that made ex Yugoslavia, and quite nice fountain. House of flowers is the second building uphill and there is the resting place of Tito and his wife Jovanka. On the right side of the tomb is his work room as it was in the residency, replica of Tito's train and on the left are batons that were cared on his birthday by the best athletes, workers and presented to him personally. On the left is the house of the old museum where you can see just a bit of the gifts that Tito received from all over the world, some of them from the II century, medals, guns, uniforms, guns...just in that part you can spend hours.

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