Нишлијска механа i Niš

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienНишлијска механа



🕗 åbningstider

49, Prvomajska, Niš, Nišavski okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 18 511111
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.32271, Longitude: 21.903049

kommentar 5

  • Kristina stojmanovska

    Kristina stojmanovska


    Good place for family launch and dinner

  • Vladan Atanasijevic

    Vladan Atanasijevic


    Mmmmmm, great taste of Balkan food. I was few years ago many times in they old restaurant, different location, but since they moved here, this was first time. Parking is a little bit a problem, since they do not have they own parking lot.

  • en

    Ivana Atanasijevic


    Food is sooooo good order banica sa sirom

  • Dalibor Mitic

    Dalibor Mitic


    One of the best restaurants in Nis. Don't hesitate to ask what to eat. And of course good domestic rakija

  • G Cheung

    G Cheung


    Amazing Serbian BBQ. Unbelievably cheap. Had bacon wrapped chicken kebab and grilled vegetables. Stuffed peppers were also incredible. Whole meal for two people, with 1 Litre of beer was 1100dinar, around 9 Euro. I can eat a lot of food and I was very full at the end of the meal. Highly recommend. they have an English menu, but our server knew absolutely no English, but you can get by with pointing at the menu.

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