Pita Break i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienPita Break



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23, Kralja Milana, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 63 339337
internet side: www.pitabreak.rs
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.807106, Longitude: 20.464409

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nenad Milinkovic


    Not your typical everyday pie from local bakery. Pies are amazing and you can chose from bunch of flavors. They remind me of something you can find in Sarajevo. I really enjoy breakfast here.

  • Mile Davidović

    Mile Davidović


    Good choice of pies. Best one with meat.

  • Neven Gordić

    Neven Gordić


    Great food!

  • Anamarija Marinovic

    Anamarija Marinovic


    Great choice of salty and sweet pies in the center of Belgrade. I recommend the pie with ajvar. And a good home-made cherry pie. The smell and the taste of pies remind you that you are in the Balkans. Moderate prices. You can drink yogurt or water or Coca Cola or Fanta. With salty pies (with meat, cheese, potato, mushrooms) it is better to drink yogurt, and with the sweet ones I would drink water. I don't remember having seen the optiobs of coffee or tea. The staff are kind and they understand much about pies.

  • en

    Amela Hasanovic


    Food is amazing and pie taste perfect. You cant find these things in other bakery. Place looks great and refreshing. Workers are polite

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