Restoran Via del Gusto i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienRestoran Via del Gusto



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48, Kneza Mihaila, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3288200
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8189252, Longitude: 20.4552364

kommentar 5

  • Ali ŞENER

    Ali ŞENER


    Very friendly service :) i ate pizza and it was almost as delicious as the ones in italy :D restaurant is located directly on the main street of belgrade close to the kalemegdan historical place.

  • Vera Madzarevic

    Vera Madzarevic


    Love the coffee. Great place for a light meal.

  • en

    Danilo Djilas


    Great food. The minus star is overall all restaurants and bars that allow smoking. I dont want to breath ugly smell and be smelly.

  • Plamen Popov

    Plamen Popov


    The food was ok. However the waiter delivered another dish, slightly different of what I ordered , and more expensive ☺.... but it was good at the end of the day. Apart of that- OK. Inside the restaurant it is a bit too narrow and overcrowded, but the tables outside, on the street are good.

  • Kasia Stefaniak

    Kasia Stefaniak


    A very nice place in Belgrade. Good cuisine and friendly service. Non-smoking areas and a pleasant garden. Food and beer was very good. The restaurant also serves delicious breakfasts.

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