Stomatoloska ordinacija Cvejanovic в Beograd

СербияStomatoloska ordinacija Cvejanovic



🕗 время открытия

6а, Triše Kaclerovića, 122103, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 3910483
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.78645, Longitude: 20.468284

Комментарии 5

  • uroshjovanotti



    Veoma poslovni, profesionalni i srdacni. Od prijemnog pulta pa sve do stomatoloske stolice je atmosfera vise nego prijatna. Strucnim nivoom sam veoma zadovoljan jer je svaki moj postojeci stomatoloski problem na najbolji mnoguci nacin otklonjen. Preporuka svakome, a posebno po pitanju ortodoncije.

  • en

    Alessandro Toscano


    I had a small chunk of a tooth break away during a short stay in Belgrade, and I didn't plan to do anything immediately, but one colleague from Belgrade took me to his dentist, which happened to be Cvejanovic. He had it fixed really quick, and I paid only a fraction of an amount I pay in Italy.

  • Anka Jovanovic

    Anka Jovanovic


    I went to the latter office to replace the old fillings. I called three weeks in advance and thought I would be treated by dr Cvejanovic - but when I arrived, certain dr Milena took me into her office. My overall impression was that the doctor Milena was not paying attention to save healthy parts of my tooth. She seemed more like working on a drilling rig. I do go often to the dentist, and I do know what does it mean to properly clean the tooth decay without destroying the tooth. In addition, she was constantly praising herself to the nurse, while working on my teeth, that she is a nerd, working always perfectly and by the book. After two months, the fillings are falling apart. Not only they have been put badly, but the mentioned doctor didn't even know how to put them - my teeth were glued together by the fillings!!!!! I do not know if she is young, unexperienced or just useless, or if the office policy is to ruin people's teeth so that they would need to put implants in the future. In any event, I am disgusted that I need to redo all those teeth again and traumatise them even more. Let me just stress that I was replacing old fillings or curing light caries cases - no bigger issues. I can only imagine what would be in that case.

  • en

    Jelena sb


    Meni je doktor u ovoj ordinaciji spalio desni laserom da bi ugradio krunicu, iako je znao da imam problem sa desnima. Budite veoma oprezni! I went to get new dental crowns, instead i ended up with my gums burned with laser. I recommend you to stay away from this practitioner.

  • Nenad Prica

    Nenad Prica


    I had an implant and crown replacement done. Dr. Srdjan Cvejanovic and his assistant were quick and highly skillful, making sure I was comfortable through the process. If you are coming from abroad to do some implant work done this would be the best place in Belgrade to visit.

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