4 Dunje i Belgrade

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Serbien4 Dunje


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Belgrade, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381
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Latitude: 44.8195913, Longitude: 20.4613726

kommentar 5

  • Uros Markovic

    Uros Markovic


    I will revisit at night, it seems like a fine place

  • Andjelija Marinkovic

    Andjelija Marinkovic


    One of my favorite Belgrade places to chill. In the very heart of Dorcol, with a garden outside and a shade. In the winter, it's a bit snug in because of poor ventilation, but it's nice to sit here in the spring and summer. I mostly drink cocktails, although they have a solid selection of beer and rakijas. The service is efficient, the staff is friendly and music is appropriate. My recommendation is that you always have cash with you. Cheers.

  • Jelena Vukovic

    Jelena Vukovic


    Cool cosy place eith domestic atmosphere

  • Aleksandra Trivunac

    Aleksandra Trivunac


    Awesome place, nicely decorated.

  • Nataliya LV

    Nataliya LV


    Nice hidden place with its back garden. If you want to feel the atmosphere of real old Belgrade's home .... this place always reminds me of my granny's home. They are proud of the selection of beers. Cosy.

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