Best Western Hotel My Place i Nis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienBest Western Hotel My Place



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Kej 29 Decembar Bb, Nis 18000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 18 525555
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.3251483, Longitude: 21.9015296

kommentar 5

  • Fairest Envoy

    Fairest Envoy


    Great service, great location, kind English-speaking staff, loaded mini-bar, wide variety of room service food and drinks to choose from, an even better restaurant with a view to the river and opportunity to sit outside when it's not raining. Smoking-allowed foyer (the best!), next to the bar and the reception, very fine Wi-Fi everywhere around the hotel. The rooms are luxurious, boasting a hydro-massage bathtub and abstract paintings, figures and marble-like surfaces that create an atmosphere very suitable for romantic lovemaking - great for young couples! ❤

  • Emilio Todisco-Grande

    Emilio Todisco-Grande


    Elegant and charmant, staff is very professional and friendly. Quite new and very clean. Room big and confortble. The price? Just 50 euro for two people ( with breakfast) Enjoy...

  • goran stojadinovic

    goran stojadinovic


    Good value for money. Best you can find in the Nis.

  • Eduard Capitan

    Eduard Capitan


    The rooms are awesome! Also the view from the restaurant! I hope the breakfast will be great, too! 😉

  • i automobile

    i automobile


    Beautiful receptionists little pricy for. They need to either call it my place hotel or best western. Look for my place hotel in poi in GPS. Best western isn't there.

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