Blaznavac i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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18 11000 Kneginje Ljubice Beograd RS, Beograd 11000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3285857
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.819796, Longitude: 20.461663

kommentar 5

  • Luka Mihajlovic

    Luka Mihajlovic


    A good place for a drink or six. Tons of color and weird objects, not the best cocktails, but you do get what you pay for. Service is a bit random-sometimes great, sometimes bearable.

  • en

    Evren Highlander


    Waited for a good 5-6 minutes to have the english menu which did not include any type of edible WHILE most of the customers feasting around us. After asking about the food menu waitress told us that they DO NOT serve food. Pointing out the Serbian menu and asking if it's or it's not a food menu, she told us that they have food but only cash. Never told anyone that we'll be paying with card, not sure how they come up with that brilliant plan to cover lying with a cheap third world country "cash only" trick, but mark my words, cheap decoration and early 2000 hipster vibe doesn't cut it. There are tons of better cafe-bars around every corner, don't fall for the "OMG IT'S GREAT" type of shallow reviews.

  • Jovan Tošić

    Jovan Tošić


    Nice place with a little bit louder modern music and lights, during warm months garden is opened. They serve huge 1 litre cocktails for approximately 11€

  • en

    max payne


    Best coctails in Belgrade, bar with very kind and helpfull about choosing best coctails for you

  • Amaury Auvray

    Amaury Auvray


    One of the place to be in Belgrade city center. Come earlier if you want to get a good seat.

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