Bombay i Niš

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Koste Stamenkovića, Niš, Nišavski okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381
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Latitude: 43.3177282, Longitude: 21.8976543

kommentar 5

  • Tala Nowińska-Antoniewicz

    Tala Nowińska-Antoniewicz


    They have no idea how to prepare nargila even though it's way overpriced.

  • Nemanja Petkovic

    Nemanja Petkovic


    It's an ok bar, nothing special. It has a quasi eastern feeling to it that's more like a feeling of decay, but that's fine. It's interesting in a way. It was made for couples mostly, as it looks intimate and maybe even romantic, who knows. They also have a lot of good teas. They are probably the only place in the city with so many interesting teas. The place serves other drinks as well but the teas are like their main thing.

  • Nikola Jankovic

    Nikola Jankovic


    Interesting place, lot of great different tea options. Also possible to order a hookah. A bit dark and intimate.

  • Milutin Stankovic

    Milutin Stankovic


    Bad service. Zero quality

  • en

    djordje milojevic


    Amazing style and very creative place. Big choise of different teas and coffes, nargillas to.

nærmeste Cafe

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