CineStar Novi Sad 4DX (BIG Shopping center) i Novi Sad

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SerbienCineStar Novi Sad 4DX (BIG Shopping center)



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Sentandrejski put 11, BIG CEE Novi Sad, Novi Sad 21000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 901 011011
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.2748093, Longitude: 19.8285926

kommentar 5

  • Kamil Stępień

    Kamil Stępień


    Not too crowdy, at least during my visits. The shop has nice snack offer, and they aren't too expensive (not saying they are cheap - cinemas earn on bumping prices of products, in the end). Seats are usually clean, but you might happen to get unlucky and step into some suspiciously looking stuff. Basically everything that I could say about cinemas.

  • Biljana Lazic

    Biljana Lazic


    Modern design, good choices of the movies. I wasn't enjoying 4d effects. And it is very pricy, better buy watter outside

  • Darko Kovač

    Darko Kovač


    New cinema with 4DX technology, cool. I always enjoy to watch a movie here. Recommendation.

  • Dusan Jotic

    Dusan Jotic


    New and modern cinema. Perfect effects (4DX - seats are moving, vibrating, wind is blowing, rain effect). Definitely a memorable experience. Tickets are a bit pricey though...

  • en

    Zolt Cernek


    Great cinema. Had a lot of fun. Would recommend.

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