Historical Museum of Serbia i Београд

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SerbienHistorical Museum of Serbia



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11, Трг Николе Пашића, 11000, Београд, Град Београд, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3398018
internet side: imus.org.rs
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.8125015, Longitude: 20.46386

kommentar 5

  • Alon Nagar

    Alon Nagar


    Super boring expirience. Hope they would put more interesing exhibitions in the future...

  • Chris Edwards

    Chris Edwards


    Really not much going on. A historical exhibition for the period 1790 to 1820, scientist who also liked photography and an anti UN art exhibition. I was hoping to learn a bit more about the history and culture of the city.

  • Vladimir Bojovic

    Vladimir Bojovic


    Great place to spend 2 hours. Depends on exhibition and your preference but it's always interesting.

  • Branko Djustibek

    Branko Djustibek


    The Historical Museum of Serbia always puts on very detailed, captivating and educational exebitions that amaze people of ages. There is not much one can say about this institution, you must go and experience the history and culture for yourself. Thickets are extremely cheap, students are free and adults 200RSD

  • en

    Ahmet bıyık


    It doesnt count a museum though.. There is not much thing to exhibit.. Is Serbian history consist of only Karadjordji and Nato's attact? I dont think so

nærmeste Museum

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