Институт за здравствену заштиту деце и омладине Војводине i Novi Sad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienИнститут за здравствену заштиту деце и омладине Војводине



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10, Hajduk Veljkova, 21000, Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 21 4880444
internet side: www.izzzdiovns.rs
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.2505335, Longitude: 19.8254371

kommentar 5

  • bs

    Slavica Veselic


    Nije posteno da zbog nekolicine drskih i nevaspitanih medicinskih radnika stavljamo sve u isti kos.Jos uvek, hvala bogu, postoje dobri i humani koji brinu o nasoj deci

  • bs

    danijela pavic


    Ne daj boze da morate tamo da odete... Imamo.jako.lose iskustvo sa zaposlenima i lecenjem u ovoj ustanovi

  • Lazar Tosovic

    Lazar Tosovic


    I have a twins. They got sick 5 days ago. Started caughing too much and I could hear that they couldn’t breathe of all the slime. In order to go there you need to go your pediatrician and get the written refference. When you get there aproximate wait time for a doctor to examine your kid is 3 hours. On Monday 03.19 they recevied my kids on departement . Diagnosis for one of them was penumonia and the other one had small raspirstory problems. They released them 2 days after saying that they are better and gave them the therapy and said that we can treat them home. Magdalena got worse same day and we took her back over there 5 hours after she was released. They examined her again , wait time 3 hours again and put her on department called genetic which doesn’t have to do anything with our diagnosis. Their mom syated over there with her and In the meanwhile I was giving medicine to the other one . Day after on 03.23 Vicotria got worse and we took her to a private pediatrician who couldn’t belive they released her after he examined her lungs. We got back to the hospital again with Victoria and again wait time over 3 hours even thou we had a diagnosis with us . They received her also at the genetics departament . The only positive thing is that departament where they are , nurses are really polite and it is very clean that is why I am giving + 1 star. Everything else is 0 . Take your kid over there only if you really have to otherwhise if it is not super urgent take them to a private pediatrician first .

  • Jaroslav Madacki

    Jaroslav Madacki


    Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine je zdravstvena i naučno-edukativna ustanova koja pruža zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine uzrasta od 0 do 18 godina. Institut je reprezentativna ustanova koja obezbeđuje najkompleksnije zdravstvene procedure, gde svojim uslugama pokriva Pokrajinu Vojvodinu koja ima oko 2 500 000 stanovnika. Institut u svom sastavu ima tri klinike i 17 službi sa 766 zaposlenih radnika od kojih je 134 lekara i 466 sestara. Kapacitet Instituta je 350 postelja, od kojih na Klinici za dečje bolesti imamo 226 kreveta, na Klinici za dečju hirurgiju 82 i na Klinici za habilitaciju i rehabilitaciju 42 postelje. Na Institutu se godišnje hospitalizuje oko 10 000 do 11 000 pacijenata, gde je u 2011. taj broj iznosio 10 506 pacijenata. U istoj godini, obavljeno je ukupno 179 544 pregleda, od kojih je u okviru poliklinike 155 303, a u stacionaru 24 241. Urađeno je 3296 operacija. Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine je i nastavna baza Medicinskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Pedeset lekara zaposlenih na Institutu rade i kao nastavnici Medicinskog fakulteta. Takođe, i veliki broj lekara na specijalizacijama i užim specijalizacijama iz Vojvodine i cele Srbije obavlja specijalistički staž u našoj ustanovi.

  • Dzoni Draguljce

    Dzoni Draguljce


    Neljubaznost zdravstvenih radnika, higijena minus, decu i roditelje tretiraju kao stoku, zdravu decu i roditelje sa bebama koji cekaju na pregled stavljaju u iste sobe sa infektivnom decom...arogantnost i nadmenost pojedinih lekara koje bih i mogao da imenujem ali cu ovaj put precutati...ležerni, opusteni, neprofesionalni, drski bezobrazni...cast izuzecima (na koje nismo naleteli do sad). Da ne napominjem da vecina radi privatno i da tamo usmerava napacene roditelje!

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