Jumanji Bowling Centar i Subotica

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SerbienJumanji Bowling Centar



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Nade Dimić 7, Subotica 24000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 24 4150055
internet side: www.jumanji.rs
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0880272, Longitude: 19.6734392

kommentar 5

  • Attila Kalinka

    Attila Kalinka


    Highly recommended for bowling, but not for eating. Although you can have a pizza there, but the waiters and the kitchen are awfully slow.

  • Zsolt Leko

    Zsolt Leko


    This is an 8 lane bowling alley. The pizza is great, the lanes are quite neglected...

  • Istvan Balogh

    Istvan Balogh


    Very nice place with good equipment except for a couple issues. For one the disability to pay for your bowling game with a credit/debit card. You csn pay your food/drinks with a card but the game itself has to be payed by cash. I don't know the reason behind this system but it is impractical sometimes. The only other mild annoyance that you are exposed to is the waiting time for your orders. It can be considerable. Albeit this is not ways case.

  • Milica Antonijevic

    Milica Antonijevic


    Great atmosphere, tasty food, delicious deserted, great fun in bowling section

  • Jelena Culibrk

    Jelena Culibrk


    My go-to place for bowling in Serbia (cheaper and less crowded than in Belgrade). Great staff. Would be great if they could improve the air-conditioning/ventilation since the place tends to fill with diverse smells.

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