Loft, Coffee & Lounge Bar i Novi Sad

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SerbienLoft, Coffee & Lounge Bar



🕗 åbningstider

2, Njegoševa, 21000, Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 60 0701171
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.2558048, Longitude: 19.8448759

kommentar 5

  • Milos Radovanovic

    Milos Radovanovic


    Everytime I come to Novi Sad, this is my place to go. I'm extremely picky when it comes to coffee and they always fulfill my needs. Lady that does management is off the charts, going an extra mile to make you feel welcomed.

  • Marko Aleksić

    Marko Aleksić


    Great location, great coffee, even greater staff! I wholeheartedly recommend this cafe!

  • Jovana Mutabdzija

    Jovana Mutabdzija


    Excellent coffee, options for vegan food and great prices. Suitable for working/laptopa friendly on mornings and early afternoons

  • Sanja Vukasinovic

    Sanja Vukasinovic


    Nice interior. Food is okay, they serve a very good steak. Coffee is excellent. But VERY crowded. Seems like the owner cares only about sale and profit since the neighbour table is literally located in one's lap.

  • Sinisa Nikolic

    Sinisa Nikolic


    Nice, cozy and peaceful place during the day, where you can take a sip of tasteful cofe and enjoy a good book or read a newspaper, where you can have a quiet little gateway. It has a smoking and non smoking area. In the evening and during the night the place is quite crowded, with a total change of type of people who are visiting. A music is louder, and the whole place looks like more a tavern that the cafe bar. This please has a option to order food. The menu is quite good and includes different waffles, bejgls, tortillas, salads, pastas, roasted meat, finger food and desert. Also, place have a good choice of wine and beer. A craft beer is also available there. I often go with the whole family there which includes a small child, and the waiters are polite and nice, eager to help me with a stroller.

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