Mega sun i Beograd

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SerbienMega sun



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3a, Savski trg, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 66 2323523
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Latitude: 44.8082149, Longitude: 20.4572094

kommentar 5

  • Matt Hough

    Matt Hough


    Great atmosphere, friendly place

  • Lucifer



    Nice for chilling, cool music, no credit cards

  • Oleg Vdovichenko

    Oleg Vdovichenko


    Very nice and cozy place, liked it a lot. It was great to escape from heat of Belgrade in that little bar with a glass of cold beer. Staff is English-speaking.

  • en

    Mico Uzelac


    Nice place for a coffee or beer

  • Anamarija Marinovic

    Anamarija Marinovic


    Nice and calm cafe close to Branko's Bridge with a lot of flowers as a decoration, a big ventilator to refresh you and a pleasant outdoir seating with benches like in a park. Quiet late in the afternoon, when there is not so much crowd and so many buses passing by. Romantic place. Certain privacy. Very beautuful and soothing French music. Smoking is allowed inside and outside like in many Serbian cafes, I haven't seen any non-smokers area, which is a big minus of this place. Insidw, there is an old piano, and some other decirational elements that remind you of good old times and can attract nostalgic and romantic souls. Standard choice of coffee (caffe latte costs 150 dinars), which is very wallet-friendly. Housbrandt brand of coffee. A home-made (C brand, very famous Serbian brand) coffee costs 100 dinars, which is very cheap. This kind of coffee is served with Turkish sweet called ratluk as it was traditionally served in Serbia in 19th century. There are also milkshakes (strawberry, vanilla and chocolate flavors) and some options of tea and non-alcoholic drinks (lemonade, ice tea, coca-cola). What this bar is famous for is draft beer and rakija, a very strong Serbian alcoholic drink, that can be made out of different kind of fruit (plum, pear, cherry...) or out of medicinal plants. For drinkers, there is a big choice of rakija. There is also a happy hour. There is a takeaway coffee. I haven't seen any food, cakes, ice creams, sandwiches. The only appetizer you can buy is peanuts, at the symbolic price of 60 dinars. Nice place for couples, friends or individual visits. Kind staff and quick service. This bar is cash-only and pet-friendly. A very big minus is that the floor of ladies' restroom was extremely wet and dirty and the trash can was full. Please, correct this. This is important for us as well as for tourists. All the rest pleases me very much and I will return soon.

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