Parking Garage Vukov Spomenik i Belgrade

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SerbienParking Garage Vukov Spomenik


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Zvezdara 2, Belgrade, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3035400
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8053721, Longitude: 20.4788268

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Frosty

    Ivan Frosty


    It reeks of urine, and its usually crowded.

  • S.



    Whenever i tried to get the parking there, garage was closed as it was full, even though in the parking app on their website, stated it had some space. I wouldn't recommend counting on this garage, you will end up wasting time. The one that always proved to be reliable was the one in Bircaninova st.

  • Natasha Belic

    Natasha Belic


    This place is the worst garage I have EVER been to. Yes, it has space. But it reeks of urine to high heavens. There is a big park above it, with lots of homeless people that use this garage as the toilet, obviously. I asked the lady workimg there why don't they clean it more often, she said it was cleaned two days ago. It literally stinks like a sewer. If you get out by the civilian exit, it's terrible and not possible to walk and not step on urine. I suggest you walk the same way you got in by car, if you ever really need to use this aweful place.

  • en

    Aleksandar Ljubisavljevic


    There is a space almost always, good if you can't find parking. Prices a bit too high..

  • Иван Томановић

    Иван Томановић


    Small garage. Underground, so it is usually cool there, and you won't be coming back to hot car. Also good place to park if you are staying longer.

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