Police i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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23, Majke Jevrosime, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3239731
internet side: www.mup.gov.rs
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Latitude: 44.813703, Longitude: 20.4658068

kommentar 5

  • tim bum

    tim bum


    mislis da su govna a onda pogledas kakvi smradovi rade u komunalnoj policiji i shvatis da s obzirom na platu koju imaju i radno vreme rade svoj poso relativno dobro. niko nije savrsen

  • Krajan Milančić

    Krajan Milančić


    Sve najgore !

  • en

    Suzan Lotinja


    This wonderful and amazing institution has long surpassed (and abandoned) the core principles a civil defense institution is based upon that is the protection of its citizens and has full on turned to a mobster like racketeering institution. How else to explain the fully filled payment slips they give you to the most benign of ticket offences serving only to fill the empty budget. Their response times to house emergencies are horrible, but are very capable of punishing people who dare to defend their own home. More than happy to let a rich kid go who ran over a school girl, but very good at breaking locks and evicting families who have been robed of their apartments by inefficient government services that allow previous apartment owners to take mortgage loans on sold property. Also really good at beating people in the 90s. Shameful institution, and even tho its unimaginable to say, maybe should be replaced with anything else.

  • Bunny Man

    Bunny Man


    Quick service

  • LA Shawn

    LA Shawn


    Find the seargant. Don't waste time. Get a friend/stranger to interpret and you'll be fine😉

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