Project 72 Wine & Deli i Novi Sad

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SerbienProject 72 Wine & Deli



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15, Kosovska, 21000, Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 21 6572720
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.259813, Longitude: 19.849447

kommentar 5

  • Nenad Dragojlovic

    Nenad Dragojlovic


    By far, one of the best restaurants in Serbia. Immaculate food, everything we ever tried was just superb. Decent wine list, though it could always benefit from slight improvements. The service is also as good as you could ever wish for in a restaurant. And the prices are ridiculously low for such quality and service. Simply a must if you happen to find yourself in Novi Sad. You'd certainly wish to return as soon as possible.

  • Effective Marketing

    Effective Marketing


    Very good restaurant. Specialized in meat but not lacking in fish and vegetable food. It is a "sister" restaurant to Fish and Zeleniš and both are just outstanding. This is a very strong recommendation. Service is perfect. Food is perfect. Coffee is perfect. Everything is just right.

  • Anna Paegle

    Anna Paegle


    When you visit Novi Sad you must go to Project 72, everything about this place will leave you satisfied. Amazing food, great choice of local wine and service.. Ahh! Can't wait to come back again.

  • Marta Majnarić

    Marta Majnarić


    Project 72 offers serious culinary experience. Finest ingredients are fused into refreshing and intriguing tastes which makes it a great place to have a 5course meal extravaganza! Soups are light and creamy, meat tender and prepared perfectly. Service is great due to the pleasant professional staff who gently guide each guest to his personalized food coma. It won't take long until they see me again.

  • en

    Almighty MJ


    Project 72 is the place to be if you are into awesome food. I have tried almost everything on the menu and I'm satisfied with 90% they are offering. The waiters are usually very friendly and offer a helping hand when it comes to the food selection. I still got a little bit disappointed with the breakfast every now and then and since the price is very high in comparison to the other restaurants in the area (or actually the whole city) i can only give 4 stars for that. In any case Project 72 offers you a great variety of quality food and wine, but in a higher price range.

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