Restoran Patlidžan i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienRestoran Patlidžan



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28, Hadži Milentijeva, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 4060000
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.794302, Longitude: 20.469573

kommentar 5

  • Ohad Irus

    Ohad Irus


    Great modern place! Very nice place, modern decor with great vibe. Located few minutes from Saint Sava Church, away from city center. Offering classic dishes with modern twist. Quite few choices based on Eggplants. Great fresh meat and nice wine selection. Very good value for money.

  • Jan Poniž

    Jan Poniž


    By recommendation and invitation of my Serbian friends we have visited this restaurant with our friends from Serbia. perfect cosy and romantic place to have a romantic dinner or a group of friends. When you can not eat any more of that delicious Serbian traditional food, this is the place to visit and enjoy a wonderful mix of traditional and Mediterranean cuisine.

  • Veljko Vuković

    Veljko Vuković


    Very disappointing place menu and service vise. The internet presentation looks 10x better.

  • Marina Vladisavljević

    Marina Vladisavljević


    Hidden Little Gem that is bound to become more popular in the future. Menu varies between national and more experimental options. I would like to see even more dishes with eggplant as the menu progresses.

  • en

    Pavle Jevđić


    Lovely place in the neighborhood, excellent tasty food, relaxing atmosphere and very friendly staff. Love them

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