Службени гласник i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienСлужбени гласник



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Kneza Miloša, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3060300
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Latitude: 44.8079548, Longitude: 20.462592

kommentar 5

  • Viktor Bioracić

    Viktor Bioracić


    Peaceful, quiet, cheap, perfect for work and meetings.

  • Bojan Tomic

    Bojan Tomic


    Nice and cozy bookstore/café.

  • Peony White

    Peony White


    Hotel Moscow in miniature. Great view down to a most busy street, simple and very very cosy ambient. Service above average. Guests are of upper middle class, calm and more introvert than elsewhere. There is a piano, what a pity noone plays it.

  • Christiana Kashta

    Christiana Kashta


    I didn't have the chance to check the boom store (since I went there really late at night). However I went to their cafe on the second floor and it was amazing ! I really like the design and the coffee was excellent !

  • Željko Tomić

    Željko Tomić


    Very good book shop with cosy Cafe bar. Good prices. Smoking and non smoking part. During day interesting mix of people comes. From old writers to trandy crowd.

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