Studio Domino i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienStudio Domino



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Kralja Petra, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 2620313
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.818003, Longitude: 20.452915

kommentar 5

  • Djerdj Lukač

    Djerdj Lukač


    Non smoking cafeteria, within stylish shop for interior decoration.

  • Paul Liam R. Du Bois

    Paul Liam R. Du Bois


    Great spot. Very good spot for coffee and drinks and food :)

  • Emilija Petrovic

    Emilija Petrovic


    Perfect place for both foreigners and locals. You should try spinach salad ☺

  • Anamarija Marinovic

    Anamarija Marinovic


    A very original place. A furniture shop and a cafe at the same tine and space. Cozy. Quiet. Centealized. Never crowded. Nice music. Good home made sweets. Excellent tea selection. In winter, I would recommend a hot chocolate. Refreshing squeezedcfruit mix juice. Good choice of home made snacks with cheese. Pleasant outdoor space with flowers and comfortable chairs. Pet friendly outside. I saw people with dogs sitting in the outdoors part. Quick and good service. Normal prices. There are healthy, vegan and vegetarian options. Very good espresso with milk. I always return here for a quiet coffee break and a friendly talk with the staff.

  • en

    Tatjana S.P.


    Fantastic store concept with beautiful interior design pieces and a coffe shop in the same space. Illy coffee, smoothies, healty cakes and biscuits.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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