Шумарице i Kragujevac

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Desankin venac, Kragujevac, Šumadijski okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 34 336180
internet side: www.hotelsumarice.com
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Latitude: 44.0213047, Longitude: 20.8761101

kommentar 5

  • en

    Branko Arsic


    Beautiful park around hotel. Nice architecture. Pleasant for outdoor seating. Nearby historical places. Moderate prices. Still offer and service are not on the same level.

  • Ivan Todev

    Ivan Todev


    Hotel was build in 1973. Almost everything is from that time. Rooms in our building are narrow. Originally designed as single bed, but upgraded to two beds room. No room even for your luggage. Bathroom is old. No hot water in the sink. Instead of toilet tissue there are napkins. Restaurant food is not what you expect from Serbia. I used to selebrate New Year in Serbia for last six years, and this is my worst time. Tables and seats are so closed to each other, that you can hardly stand or sit. Even more: to fit more people, they put tables outside the restaurant at the lobby. Celebration entertainment is poor. Musicians are awful. No champagne for the New Year. Breakfast is rather good. I will never ever stay in this hotel, neither visit the restaurant again.

  • Cookie Cunt

    Cookie Cunt


    I found dead bugs in the room.

  • Andreja Todorović

    Andreja Todorović


    The only hotel in Šumarice memorial park, with great wedding hall

  • Aleksandar Glisic

    Aleksandar Glisic


    I worked as a chef there, kitchen is full of cockroaches, they let stray dogs in the kitchen and once I saw a waiter drink soda and use that same glass to serve a customer!!! I definitely do not recommend this place especially if you plan on eating here with children.

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