The Barbers Barbershop i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienThe Barbers Barbershop



🕗 åbningstider

49, Karađorđeva, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 60 0828133
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.814591, Longitude: 20.451427

kommentar 5

  • Milos Radovanovic

    Milos Radovanovic


    As someone who is regular since they opened, I'd highly recommend this place. There's no was to call in advance and book your slot. You just come, wait in a cue, chat with friendly people and have fun.

  • Zorica Popovic

    Zorica Popovic


    Just a bunch of wankers who think they are important ... Super rudely told me to get out because girls are not allowed.. Sure, I would respect your rule if you told me that in a nicer way... Not being an ass.

  • Kemar Griffiths

    Kemar Griffiths


    I was probly the first black Jamaican guy who has been there, they are clean, professional barbers, got me looking manly again for a wicked club weekend in Belgrade👌🏾🖒🏿...they might offer coffee or rakija...choose rakija😁

  • Miloš Milivojević

    Miloš Milivojević


    Awesome place, amazingly talented people but be prepared to wait for at least an hour - it's always packed.

  • en

    krishan gajadhar


    I never write reviews but after getting a haircut and beard trim here I had too. Best cut, trim and service I have had throughout Europe. Worth the wait. Traditional barbershop that can cater to your modern style needs. Cheap with awesome natural local Serbian beard oils and hair products. (If they made them in travel size >100ml I would have brought more) Beard trim and haircut cost 1500 Dinar or €13 10/10

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