Toma’s Bakery i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienToma’s Bakery



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6 - 8, Kolarčeva, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 2636343
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Latitude: 44.8153023, Longitude: 20.4603039

kommentar 5

  • en

    Esthee Wong


    Pizza was of average quality. The lady at the counter was rude and unfriendly

  • en

    Nina Birac


    I love the quality, taste and variety of their food. They offer everything from vegan sandwiches to the best meat pizza and delicious sweets along with hundred types of pastry. They also have salad meals which are great. I totally recommend this place. It is also open 24/7. Wow

  • Dragomir



    One of the best bakeries in Belgrade. It is opened 24 hours per day. The best thing is that every few hours they are offering fresh pastry just out of the owen. The service is very fast regardless that often you will see a lot of people in front of you. The prices are reasonable.

  • Aleksandar Jovanovic

    Aleksandar Jovanovic


    Toma pekara (pekara means bakery in Serbian) is one of the oldest and most popular bakeries in the downtown Belgrade (older bakeries in this area are Pekara Aca in Svetogorska and Pekara Čarli just around the corner) Toma pekara has been around for more than 20 years and always has been considered as a good and reasonably priced bakery. For great ones you should probably go to Naša pekara, a small family owned bakery near Crveni Krst that is a bit far away or if you're into kiflice (yeast rolls that can have sesame or coarse salt sprinkled on top) go to pekara Čarli in Braće Jugovića Street). The number of people buying in Toma's usually guarantees the freshness of the produce and therefore tastiness. French styled pastry, breads and sandwiches are very good. Pizza is usually Okay, but there are better pizza places around.

  • Sinisa Popovic

    Sinisa Popovic


    Sometimes staff looks nervous but it's reasonable due to number of people want to eat. Quality food. Acceptable prices. Attractive location.

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