Tuckwood Cineplex i Beograd

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SerbienTuckwood Cineplex


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7a, Kneza Miloša, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3236517
internet side: www.tuck.rs
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Latitude: 44.8097098, Longitude: 20.4653786

kommentar 5

  • en

    jana colak


    One of the only cinemas in Belgrade that hasn't changed its appearance for a long time. Compared to others it looks vintage and with dim lights it definitely takes you out of this world. +The prices are lower and there are rarely crowds in here. So if you're more of a vintage person and big crowds of people aren't your thing this is perfect cinema for you!

  • en

    Frederik Nigleskowsky


    Cheap tickets, cheap popcorn, large screen, good sound, polite staff, few if any people. What more could you want from a cinéma?

  • Djo Maric

    Djo Maric


    Great location in the city center, so it's convenient no matter where you are coming from. Mostly smaller projection halls so it's pretty cozy. The seats are cramped and uncomfortable if you're tall, but the low prices and good movies more than make up for that.

  • Steffani Cameron

    Steffani Cameron


    I loved seeing a movie here because it’s so quaint and retro. But it’s run down, the theatres are small, and you need to understand that before you go. Knowing that, if you love a rustic cinema in an old-school vibe, you might enjoy yourself as much as I did. :)

  • Adrian Avzner

    Adrian Avzner


    Nice, very good looking movie theater. Not a lot of leg room and it was very hot in the movie theater. It had no AC so it was quite warm inside throughout the whole movie. It has lots of old movie props and pictures of old actors in front of the individual show rooms.

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