Vox Blues Club i Beograd

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SerbienVox Blues Club



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26 Љешка Beograd RS, Beograd 110000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 2543562
internet side: voxbluesclub.com
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Latitude: 44.784028, Longitude: 20.415977

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Karaman

    Ivan Karaman


    Must see! Awesome music, unique vibe, really really chill people

  • Nikola Marjanovic

    Nikola Marjanovic


    Fantastic place. Your tipical old school Jazz club interior with old yellowish walls, full of smoke but warm and cozy. Place is pretty small inside but it can be packed with very friendly guests. Main charm of this place is constant gigs of high quality bands playing rock, blues and jazz. You don't need to make sure if you will like what they play and how they sound, just go and you will love it. Drinks are cheap and it has nice garden outside surrounded with vegetation. In the winter time it is enclosed and heeted with a fireplace.

  • Luka Mihajlovic

    Luka Mihajlovic


    A bluesy hole in the wall. Cheap, smoky, completely casual,usually with just the right amount of people inside(not too crowded, never empty) Probably the best blues gigs in town.

  • Danilo Vukmirović

    Danilo Vukmirović


    The best blues club in Belgrade. It quite unexpencive place. The best Serbian Chicago style blues bands are regularly​​ playing there.

  • Ivan Nicevic

    Ivan Nicevic


    One of the best blues clubs in Belgrade, a must visit. Cheap beers, intimate atmosphere and great music. I heard someone saying "you go to pubs to drink while listening to some music, but you go to Vox Blues Club to listen to the music while drinking some booze". Don't get fooled by the discreet entrance, don't be shy, go in and soon you will understand why it is the way it is.

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