WinWin i Subotica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Cara Dušana, 24000, Subotica, Severnobački okrug, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 24 555104
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.0990508, Longitude: 19.6677555

kommentar 5

  • Denis Babic

    Denis Babic


    Well stocked computer shop,they also selling household appliances. But the staff is awful and unprofessional,mostly they are not able to help you. Even if they have the product on stock,staff will say they dont have it,or if they even find it,it will be overpriced,in comparison to other computer shops.

  • Milan Ciganovic

    Milan Ciganovic


    Ordered a CPU cooler, waited 1 week and didn't told that it wasnt in stock. Ordered a GPU, waited 1 week, the bill got canceled for some reason and wasted even more of my time. Prices are too high and the staff is rubbish.

  • Attila Kalinka

    Attila Kalinka


    too small and crowded shop area

  • nikola kopunovic

    nikola kopunovic


    WIN WIN SHop the only large computer store in Serbia high prices

  • Akos Szekacs

    Akos Szekacs


    Staff is awful, it takes a lot of time to get help or served. They provide 2 year warranty for (almost) every product, but it takes them ages to get something fixed when it is returned under warranty. Their web shop is utterly rubbish, they do not maintain it at all. All of the products that they got in contact with in some way is up on their site and they do not take the time to remove those that are not available anymore. You order something, go through the 2-3 day process just to find out that they do not have it and can't even order it anymore, so you should choose a replacement and pray, that the replacement is actually something that they can order ... Avoid them if you can, there are a lot of other shops out there in the wild, they at least try to be good ...

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