Yugovinyl record store Belgrade i Beograd

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SerbienYugovinyl record store Belgrade



🕗 åbningstider

15, Cetinjska, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 69 8015004
internet side: yugovinyl-record-store-belgrade.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.8172149, Longitude: 20.4661792

kommentar 5

  • en



    Long time I was looking for progressive ex-yoguslavian records, in a good condition, but could not find any... went there while visiting Belgrade, and the seller was very professional and spoke good english, he came out with 50 records or so, most of them are in a G/VG condition, but the price trend to be high (30-80 Euros each!). He told me that nowdays these records are very very hard to find in a decent condition. you can hear as much as you like and also order coffee... I bought: 1). S VREMENA NA VREME 2).PETER MEZE AND JANC GALIĈ 3).TIHOMIR POP ASANOVIĆ 4).DRAGO MLINAREC 5).IGRA STAKLENIH PERLI 6).VARIOUS - 20 GODINA RADIO NOVI SAAD, and the must: 7).KORNI GRUPA - MRTVO MORE (RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD PRESS) and paid about 400 (!!!!!!) Euros. I think it is overpriced, but I did not have the time to look for alternatives and those are hard to find, also checked on DISCOG and indeed the prices are high when it comes to VG/VG+....

  • Milan Stojkovic

    Milan Stojkovic


    Decent choice of records but prices are way to high, compared to other record stores in Belgrade.

  • Mark Burow

    Mark Burow


    Great Selection!

  • Pedro Luque

    Pedro Luque


    The place is great, but not where it says in the maps. They moved inside a parking that has bars inside, just a few meters away from where it's marked in google maps.

  • Jason Morton

    Jason Morton


    A bit far off the beaten path for a visitor, maybe, but the selection and the staff make it well worth it. Introduced me to some great new regional tunes. If I make it back to Belgrade, I'll make it back to check in here too.

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