Hilton Belgrade в Beograd

СербияHilton Belgrade


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35, Kralja Milana, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 7555700
Веб-сайт: www3.hilton.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8043043, Longitude: 20.4659326

Комментарии 5

  • Oli Bir

    Oli Bir


    The roof top restaurant made a huge mistake charging me a small plate of rice as any other starter dish. I noticed and reacted only to be told that the manager said the rice is not on a menu so they have to charge it like that. $5 for grilled vegetables (that was good amount and great taste) and rice on the side for the same price? Amazing! Never happened to me anywhere in the world and I travel a lot. Needless to say I won’t be putting myself through the same experience that insults intelligence. If a guest asked for something that’s not on a menu, I guess the only normal thing to do would have been to inform the guest in advance and ask if it’s ok to be charged as any other starter. Needless to say it should have been free as we stayed there for 4h eating and drinking in the bar prior to dinner . So loosing big on silly mistakes that will spread the bad word. So not worthy of Hilton brand and name. That manager should be released of his duties immediately.

  • en



    I really enjoyed my stay at the Hilton while I was in Belgrade. The location is great and the hotel is very clean and the staff is exceptionally friendly and helpful! The hotel rooftop bar is also great! Wonderful stay! I would highly recommend staying here!

  • Robert Rhein

    Robert Rhein


    Rooftop Restaurant has great ambience but the food isn't remotely what the menu and brand promises. Ordered Dim Sums to start the dinner and evening and waited 60 minutes for them without any of our waiters even noticing or caring. Once they came they were entirely disappointing, bland and done with no love. The drinks are great though the wines by the glass are extremely minimal in terms of quantity. Doesn't add to the experience to have barely the glass bottom covered. Lastly the waiters started nicely but then they took the finished dishes only away after we notified and asked them. You also have to stop a waiter to ask for another drink. They stop by to ask whether you would like anything else. So in a nutshell: gobsmacking location with superb ambience but service and food need a strong F&B Manager who sees what's going on and what's going wrong.

  • Milan Prtina

    Milan Prtina


    At Hilton, dining options are designed with you in mind. Start the day with a hearty breakfast or nutritious light bite; savour innovative dishes prepared with only the freshest ingredients, or simply relax with a cup of coffee in the hotel lounge. From business brunches to pre-dinner drinks and everything in between, the options at Hilton are catered especially for you.

  • I Chern

    I Chern


    Amazing stay. The decor and staff are top notch. Had a great experience start to finish. Spa and gym are beautiful. Highly recommend this hotel as its truly above the rest in service and location!!!

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