Jump Inn Hotel Belgrade в Beograd

СербияJump Inn Hotel Belgrade



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Koče Popovića, Beograd, Serbia
контакты телефон: +381 11 4049650
Веб-сайт: www.jumpinnhotelbelgrade.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8122303, Longitude: 20.4536499

Комментарии 5

  • Steffani Cameron

    Steffani Cameron


    The soup here was awful. The called it minestrone but it was just water with vegetables in it. For a part of the world that lives and dies in soup, this was easily the most unsatisfying, disappointing soup I’ve had in my entire time in Europe, and I’ve been travelling here for 1.5 years, so that’s quite the accomplishment.

  • Maximus Decimus Meridius

    Maximus Decimus Meridius


    One of the best in Belgrade. The rooms are nice and clean with great showers, and the food, wow. You cannot get better breakfast, lunch or dinner anywhere else in this city. The staff were courteous and very nice.

  • en

    Raz Ariel


    The thing that stands out the most is the service , the staff is very nice and helpful . Nice and tidy rooms , 10 minuets walk from republic square . very recommended !

  • PtitNFit R

    PtitNFit R


    Located in the heart of the city, near the bus and metro stations, and walking distance from some of the major attractions in belgrade city. The hotel staff is remarkably sweet and helpful. They are attentive and knowledgeable of the city, easily guiding you with their map to make your strolling easier. The rooms are clean and sleek decoration.Some of the towels are a bit worn out and the breakfast menu has an acceptable selection, however could use a lift. I recommend it

  • Marko Ebert

    Marko Ebert


    Nice hotel. Good location. Breakfast choices are decent. Staff helpful. I was put in a deluxe room, which turned out to be triple bed and very long, so it felt 'small' despite actually being relatively big. It was also furnished with smaller pieces, enhancing the perception. Floor plan shows at least 2 rooms with such layout on my floor alone. Rest are more squarish, but smaller. The room also faced the inner courtyard, which is not pleasant to look at, but considering the street facing facade was under renovation, I consider it a blessing. The street in front is also has a lot of traffic, so this must have been quieter. The bathroom was nothing spectacular, but clean. The change towels everyday (no matter where you leave them), which is probably at least part of the reason a lot of them are frayed at the edges. Overall, it was a pleasant stay.

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