Hype Belgrade Night Club i Beograd

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SerbienHype Belgrade Night Club



🕗 åbningstider

46, Karađorđeva, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 65 4495555
internet side: www.hypebelgrade.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.8138783, Longitude: 20.4511766

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mike Robin


    Fascinating interior design, great stuff and location in city center. Music and whole atmosphere in club was perfect. I went there few times allready and every time it was better and better See you soon again Hypee

  • en

    Leah Voll


    Gorgeous venue, so chic and stylish and the lighting is amazing. Beautiful peoples! Best of Belgrade nightlife

  • Sara Madi

    Sara Madi


    While you're entering the floor to ceiling mirror design is just going to sweep you of your feet. Then you're going into the sophisticated crowd, clean environment and you won't deal with immature youngsters like in sweaty clubs. Thoughtfully chosen modern lighting and great sound systems that are essential for a great music experience. Overall - refreshing and thrilling.

  • en

    Nikola Lecic


    The best nightclub in Belgrade.Amazing atmosphere, great music. Fantastic lightshow and sound system. Must-see place. You'll love it!

  • Nemanja Rosic

    Nemanja Rosic


    Best design I've ever seen in a nightclub, massive sound system, awesome music program, nice upscale crew and a perfect location. Hype would get 10/10 anywhere in the world!

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