Mr Stefan Braun i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienMr Stefan Braun



🕗 åbningstider

4, Nemanjina, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 65 5566456
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8070054, Longitude: 20.4578388

kommentar 5

  • Javi Hernández

    Javi Hernández


    Dear manager, I just was there and after making a reservation, and waiting to get in, your guys at the door didn't let me in, I live in Russia, and racism is worst here! I even said am cuban, but didn't help, Is just unbelievable. Racism???????? Thanks anyways, your people at the streets are great, nice country.

  • Gregor Milanović

    Gregor Milanović


    Great for nighlovers. Tourists enjoy it the most..

  • J oe

    J oe


    What a terrible club. The barmen are arrogant, rude and poor at their jobs and the music is constant Serbian trance music. It's really overpriced, too.. Three shots and three long drinks sets you back 45€. 2/5 because one of the barladies remembered me and was friendly

  • en

    David Iten


    Expensiv. Crowded with young Guys. Allmost no Girls. Maybe in the Past ok. Today horrible bad stay away.

  • en

    Y Osman


    Well I arrived to the club exactly 12 their opening times it was my first time to go there most likely the last. security at the entrance were rude and doesn't have any customer services. there excuse is that busy need reservation. Tuesday night 17/1/2017, opening times it's busy and need reservation!!!. I went from. there to Tilt nightclub which much better treatment. ( I do highly recommend Tilt). it's not a good way to treat tourist coming to spend money in the club!

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