Argo Hotel Belgrade i Beograd

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SerbienArgo Hotel Belgrade



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25, Kralja Milana, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3640421
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.806577, Longitude: 20.464569

kommentar 5

  • Karl Leenknegt

    Karl Leenknegt


    Very friendly staff. Clean rooms & showers. All good.

  • Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Parabiago

    Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Parabiago


    Good hotel near tje city center

  • en

    Honest Reviews


    Me and my wife stayed at Argo total of four times and we do like this place however, there are few things that might be adjusted: 1. I would suggest that instead of white color for the walls you use color that is orange, yellow or some other vibrant color, instead of white since the main color is green - it would match perfectly :) 2. Sinks could be bigger, water can splash all over unless you're really, really careful. 3. Heating was slightly strange as it was loud and that can be distracting when you're trying to rest. Also, by the time temperature reaches warm level you have to endure cold air blowing across the room and we could feel it and it didn't feel good. It would be nice if you could adjust that with a more-sophisticated AC system. We can see that you fixed shower issue by putting doors (which is wonderful) and they no longer leak out on the floor. We're very happy with personnel and service that Argo provides. We believe it's a very nice deal and location is awesome. Keep up with cleanliness! Definitely coming back but during the summer, unless you fix that AC :) Thanks

  • Madam



    Nice central location. The hallway has a specific smell, very enjoyable and addictive (have asked, it's a perfume they use for their hotel chain, I wish I could have bought that from somewhere). Clean rooms. Very confortable beds. We had a room with a huge balcony and the view was nice. The stuff is lovely and always there to help. We even had touristic guidance from the magnificent girl at the reception. Highly reccommend this place. Thank you, Argo Hotel Belgrade!

  • en

    Philipp M


    One of the greatest Hotels, i have been to. Super friendly staff, Clean, big and well equipped rooms. Location is awesome, if you want to discover belgrade! Good price.

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