Downtown Hostel i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienDowntown Hostel



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91, Karađorđeva, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 66 9615375
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.809597, Longitude: 20.456743

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vesna Mitrašinović


    Not for a long stay. Good location.

  • en

    Vesna Mitrašinović


    Not for a long stay. Good location.

  • Mawlan Taha

    Mawlan Taha


    I was staying there, really bad place, I will advice you to not stay there..

  • Valentin Berne

    Valentin Berne


    Stayed for 4 nights at the end of September 2016 with a friend. The facilities are not the newest but it is comfortable, clean and about 10-15 min walk away from the main square. Staff have been super nice to us. Special shoutout to Tijana who took the time to recommend so many awesome restaurants, pubs and clubs we couldn't have found otherwise! Easily one of the best hostel-staff-person I've encountered so far! I'm going back to this hostel when I'm back in Belgrade :)

  • Valentin Berne

    Valentin Berne


    Stayed for 4 nights at the end of September 2016 with a friend. The facilities are not the newest but it is comfortable, clean and about 10-15 min walk away from the main square. Staff have been super nice to us. Special shoutout to Tijana who took the time to recommend so many awesome restaurants, pubs and clubs we couldn't have found otherwise! Easily one of the best hostel-staff-person I've encountered so far! I'm going back to this hostel when I'm back in Belgrade :)

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