Eden Garden Suites i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienEden Garden Suites



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Knez Mihajlova 24, Beograd 11000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 65 2910259
internet side: www.edenhotelsuites.apexproperties.co
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.816861, Longitude: 20.458033

kommentar 5

  • Nemanja Ilić

    Nemanja Ilić


    Great luxury apartments. In the heart of Belgrade. Its the exact city center. Amazing view. Great staff...

  • Delia Seain

    Delia Seain


    This apartment could not be more central in Belgrade, much closer than most of the big hotel chains are. The airport shuttle dropped us right at the door and was a good price for the journey. The staff were fantastic and couldn't do enough for us, they even bought us presents on finding it was my girlfriend and my birthdays, which was lovely. The room was really modern and clean and the building added to the atmosphere of feeling like you were in a real Belgrade residence. Upon leaving the building, you can walk for five minutes and be in the heart of Belgrade, ready to explore all that the brilliant city has to offer!

  • en

    Pavel Perina


    This hotel is something else, really surpassed our expectations. Luxurious rooms, professional staff, cheap accommodation, for what you get that is. For this money, it was really worth it. We will be back to this hotel. Recommended

  • en

    Michael Eisenhauer


    The location is excellent, no need for a car, you are straight in the middle of the great area of the Belgrade. Great reception personnel, very helpful. The apartment is as described, huge size shower as well. I enjoyed my stay and will come back!

  • Srđan Prodanović

    Srđan Prodanović


    Spent a weekend with my girlfriend. 10/10 everything. New hotel in the city center. Fabulous design, everything is clear and impeccable. Staff was helpful and informative. I recommend this place to everyone.

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