Beograd i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Savski Trg, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3602899
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8084913, Longitude: 20.4556561

kommentar 5

  • gabi gaboja

    gabi gaboja


    Big train station.... connection with the rest of Europe ! Clean and it has everything.. bars, restaurants, wc. And is near the center.

  • Renan Chicarelli Marques

    Renan Chicarelli Marques


    Small train station, not that clean but it has a good locaiton. No free wifi avaliable.

  • Ellery Marsh

    Ellery Marsh


    This is a bit of a warning to travellers going through this station. We purchased and paid for two tickets from Belgrade to Novi Sad, however we were only given a single ticket and promptly ignored. I thought the ticket would cover two people (I couldn't read the Cyrillic), but apparently it did not. The guard checked the ticket and let us get onto the train, but then it become a problem when he checked the ticket again en route where he caused quite the scene. Fortunately a nice local chap stuck up for us given that we had the card machine receipt, and managed to convince him to leave us be. It wasn't a lot of money, but it felt a lot like an organised tourist scam. Not nice. Be careful.

  • en

    Zdravko Pjevač


    meh...still not renovated, no conditioning, fairly dirty. I see new trains which is good but you still can't buy tickets days in advance, sleeper train to Montenegro is on first come first served basis, no room for larger cars, the tracks are old so speed is limited. All in all, one of the biggest shames of Serbian people. However, they are investing in new trains, so hopefully in 5-10 years it will be a lot better. The station itself is poorly marked for foreigners.

  • Ondrej Mäsiar

    Ondrej Mäsiar


    The station looks very nice as it is a historical building, close to the inner city.

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